The problem with "All of the above"

President Obama in his State of the Union address praised his "all of the above" energy strategy. What he left out is that "all of the above" is a recipe for disastrous climate change. The 12-month running mean for Mauna Loa CO 2 levels is currently at 396.18 ppmv. With a climate sensitivity of 0.809ºC/W/m 2 (3ºC per doubling CO 2 ), that translates to warming of ΔT = λΔF = λ*[5.35 W/m 2 * ln(C/C 0 )] ΔT = 0.809ºC/W/m 2 * [5.35 W/m 2 * ln(396.18 ppmv/280 ppmv)] ΔT = 1.50ºC above pre-industrial levels with just the CO 2 levels of today. However, that climate sensitivity value is just the 100-year value. At longer time spans (i.e. 1,000 years), sensitivity is actually closer 1.618ºC/W/m 2 . That means that at today's CO 2 levels, we're already committed to 3ºC of warming over the next millennium. The key phrase? "At today's CO 2 levels." And that's the main problem I have with how President Obama is approaching the...